Workplace Chaplaincy Mission UK (WCM UK) is a registered charity, number 1092245. It was previously known as the Industrial Mission Association, founded in 1959, and has maintained an uninterrupted and vital church presence in workplaces.

WCM UK is a members’ network of practitioners engaged in workplace chaplaincy mission across the UK and supporters. We support Chaplaincy Teams and Individual Chaplains, with resources, networking, conferences and training. We can advise churches, chaplains and workplaces in good chaplaincy practice. 

The charity also promotes the role of Workplace Chaplaincy as a form of ecumenical outreach for the Christian Churches of the UK and work alongside other types of Chaplaincy. We are associated with Churches Together in England.

A Board of Trustees drawn from the membership of the Network and known as the National Executive Committee (NEC), runs the charity.

The current members of the NEC are:

Dick Johnson, (team leader of Faith at Work in Worcestershire) – Moderator

Lisa Thomas, (team leader of Winchester City Centre Chaplaincy & IBEX) – Treasurer 

Bill Mash, (former team leader of the Black Country Urban Industrial Mission)

Phillip Jones, (supporter and former industrial chaplain, now based in Stoke)

Mark Ball, (Retail lead for the Canary wharf Multifaith Chaplaincy)

Alex Gowing-Cumber, (Essex & East London Chaplaincy)

Tim Harrison (Methodist minister Gloucester)

Peter Martin (The Marfam Group)

Andrew Gregg  (Workplace Chaplaincy trainer and consultant, Scotland)


Revd Dick Johnson


Lisa Thomas

Lisa Thomas
